This article will guide you to configure your Fedora Desktop. This is based on Fedora 14. This configuration worked for me. But still there is margin for error. So take backup of your important files.
Note: To do any of the following operation you have to be root.
Network Configuration
I use this desktop at my home. It is not for serious office works. To access the internet I have to change my MAC address. I do this using the following command.
# ifconfig eth0 down;ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:50:BA:3C:D2:FB;ifconfig eth0 up
I insert it into my rc.d file which is executed at the end of the booting process.
I tried changing the MAC through /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file and also through the system-config-network GUI program. But none worked for me.
Security Enhenced Linux ( is an implementation of a mandatory access control mechanism in the Linux kernel.
Regular desktop user will not need this feature. So you can disable this by editing /etc/selinux/config using your favorite text editor. I use gedit.
# gedit /etc/selinux/config
change the line
Sudo allows a system administrator to delegate authority to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user while providing an audit trail of the commands and their arguments.
To setup sudo for your login name type the following commands.
# echo 'loginname ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
Where 'loginname' is your user account.
Use 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' if you don't want to be prompted a password.
If you are prompted for a password with 'sudo' it is the user password, not root.
Adobe Flash Player
Download the latest rpm from and install using the folloing command
# yum localinstall adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
Download and double-click the Flash rpm file from
# yum install nspluginwrapper alsa-plugins-pulseaudio flash-plugin
# rpm -ivh
# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux
# yum install flash-plugin
DeltaRPM Support (Presto)
The presto plugin for yum adds support for downloading deltarpms and using them to generate new packages. If user enables this plugin, it will make a substantial dent in the amount of data having to be downloaded for updates. To install this use the following command.
# yum install yum-presto
Fastest mirror plugin
Yum fastest mirror plugin (yum-plugin-fastestmirror) allow yum to select the closest and freshest mirror around you for your yum update. Once the yum fastest mirror plugin is activated, whenever you perform yum update or install, you will get a better connection. As yum will search the mirror based on your IP thru the GeoIP system. Yum select the fastest mirror based on:-
1. The connecting location of the client.
2. The current freshness/staleness of the mirrors for that region.
# yum install yum-plugin-fastestmirror
Install Third Party Repository
For applications that are against Fedora policies (MP3, DVD, MPEG, Binary Drivers, etc), a third party repository should be used. The recommended repository for Fedora is: RPMFusion ( For the purpose of this guide, (most) all needs are met by the RPMFusion repository.
PM Fusion provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't want to ship. That software is provided as precompiled RPMs for all current Fedora versions and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
RPM Fusion is a merger of Dribble, Freshrpms, and Livna; our goal is to simplify end-user experience by grouping as much add-on software as possible in a single location. Also see our FoundingPrinciples.
There are two separate software repositories:
'free' for Open Source Software (as defined by the Fedora Licensing Guidelines) which the Fedora project cannot ship due to other reasons
'nonfree' for redistributable software that is not Open Source Software (as defined by the Fedora Licensing Guidelines); this includes software with publicly available source-code that has "no commercial use"-like restrictions
# yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
Vi IMproved (Vim)
Vi IMproved (Vim) is an extended version of the vi editor, with many additional features designed to be helpful in editing program source code. To install vim type the following command.
# yum install vim
Gvim is a gui version of the Vim. If you don't like Vim you can give a try to its graphical cousin.
# yum install gvim
Decompressing Roshal ARchive (RAR)
Normally you will not be able to decompress rar archives. To do this you have to install unrar package by typing the following command.
# yum install unrar
Yum Extender (yumex)
yumex is a GUI for the yum package manager, it is written i Python and is using the PyGTK toolkit for GUI Components. Use the following command to install yumex.
# yum install yumex
Deluge BitTorrent Client
Deluge is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client. You can install deluge by using the following command.
# yum install deluge
Install Codec
To be able to view/listen to different type of media you need to install codec using the following command
# yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-ffmpeg
It is also a good choice to install the binary codecs as described below.
Binary Codecs - The MPlayer projects maintains a package full of binary codecs for which no directly open source option exists, some of these files include Windows DLL's. These are shared by both Xine and MPlayer. NOTE: There is significant variation depending on your architecture (i386, x86_64, ppc). This step is really only beneficial to 32bit i386 users, 64bit users may also install the i386.
Navigate to:
- Select the package (.tar.bz2) best matching your version of Fedora/Architecture. Generally 32-bit users will use: all-20100303.tar.bz2.
- Install the codecs (32-bit for example):
# mkdir -p /usr/lib/codecs
# tar -jxvf all-20100303.tar.bz2 --strip-components 1 -C /usr/lib/codecs/
# cd /tmp/
# wget
# tar xfvj all-20071007.tar.bz2
# mkdir /usr/lib/codecs/
# cp all-20071007/* /usr/lib/codecs/
# ln -s /usr/lib/codecs/ /usr/lib/win32
XMMS (X Multimedia System) Player
XMMS Linux player with Winamp 2.x looks supporting as many input formats. To install use the following command.
# yum install xmms xmms-mp3 xmms-faad2 xmms-pulse xmms-skins
You can try Audacious which is an advanced audio player. It is free, lightweight, based on GTK2, runs on Linux and many other *nix platforms and is focused on audio quality and supporting a wide range of audio codecs. You can try it using the following command.
# yum install audacious audacious-plugins-freeworld*
MPlayer - The Movie Player
MPlayer is a free and open source media player. The program is available for all major operating systems, including Linux and other Unix-like systems, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. You can install it by using the following command.
# yum install mplayer mplayer-gui gecko-mediaplayer mencoder smplayer
xine is a free multimedia player. It plays back CDs, DVDs, and VCDs. It also decodes multimedia files like AVI, MOV, WMV, and MP3 from local disk drives, and displays multimedia streamed over the Internet. It interprets many of the most common multimedia formats available – and some of the most uncommon formats, too. To install it use the following command.
# yum install xine xine-lib-extras xine-lib-extras-freeworld
VLC (Video LAN Client)
VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols.
# yum install vlc
libdvdcss (or libdvdcss2 in some repositories) is a free software library for accessing and unscrambling DVDs encrypted with the Content Scramble System (CSS). libdvdcss is part of the VideoLAN project and is used by VLC media player and other DVD player software such as Ogle, xine-based players and MPlayer.
The libdvdcss is required for DVD playback. Due to non-technical reasons, the package does not exist in the RPMFusion repository. For only this package an alternate repository will be used.
# rpm -ivh
# wget
# cp ./atrpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/atrpms.repo
# rpm --import
# yum --enablerepo=atrpms install libdvdcss
NOTE: ATrpms may conflict with RPMFusion hence it is kept disabled. Previously the Livna Repository was used for this however Livna has been unreliable.
Microsoft Truetype Fonts
Goto here to install the package to as instructed or search goole for the rpm of msttcore-fonts-2.0-3.noarch.rpm and then install using the following command.
# rpm -ivh msttcore-fonts-2.0-3.noarch.rpm
Sun Java
Download the Java package from
# sh jre-6u22-linux-i586-rpm.bin
When running the java command, Fedora will default to using OpenJDK. In order to use Sun Java, use the alternatives command.
# /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 20000
Setup the Mozilla/Firefox browser plugin (For 32-bit users)
# /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/java/default/lib/i386/ 20000
You may need to restart Firefox to see the plugin take effect.
Note: If you wish to switch back to OpenJDK you can run the following commands one by one to switch between the OpenJDK and Sun Java:
# /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
# /usr/sbin/alternatives --config
Use Open JDK
# yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin
OpenOffice is a free equivalent of Microsoft Office. To install it use the following command.
# yum install*
GWGET - Download Manager for GNOME2
GWGET is download manager for the Gnome Desktop which optimizes wget command. Install it using the following command.
# yum install gwget
WINE (Wine is Not an Emulator)
Wine lets you run Windows software on other operating systems. With Wine, you can install and run these applications just like you would in Windows. Install it using the following command.
# yum install wine
To get an idea of which windows programs can be run through Wine, visit the AppDB page at the WineHQ site.
F-Spot Photo Management
F-Spot is a full-featured personal photo management application for the GNOME desktop. F-Spot simplifies digital photography by providing intuitive tools to help you share, touch-up, find and organize your images. You can install it throught the following command.
# yum instsll f-spot
Alacarte Menu Editor
Menu editor for the GNOME desktop. It can be install using the following command.
# yum install alacarte
Accessible through System->Preferences->Main Menu
It is used to configured your network graphically. To install it use the following command.
# yum install system-config-network
After installation it can be accessible through System->Administration->Network
The following packages are not required by regular desktop user but may be useful for system/network administrators.
IPTraf - An IP Network Monitor
IPTraf ( is a console-based network statistics utility that gathers TCP connection paket and byte counts, interface statistics, and activity indicators.
# yum install iptraf
To setup basic firewall in your system graphically you can use this package.
# yum install system-config-firewall
system-config-display is a graphical application for configuring an X Window System X server display.
# yum install system-config-display
Utility to start and stop system services. Accessible through System->Administration->Services
# yum install system-config-services
Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows.
# yum install wireshark
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